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Library Minutes 10/02/2013
Stephenson Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday October 2, 2013   
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall

Present: Mary Ann Grant, Kristin Readel, Jami Bascom, Gail Smith, Bob Marshall, Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge, Andre wWood.

7:06: Parking Lot
As Sheldon Pennoyer was not present, NBrown said he would reschedule and proposed we move on to the minutes.

7:07 Minutes
Meeting called to order. Minutes of September 4, 2013 were reviewed. The following changes were proposed:
Line 81: Change “Bruce” to Kristin.
Line 84: delete  the letter “r”.
NBrown made a motion to accept as amended. JBascom seconded.  All in favor, the motion passes.

7:12 Budget Line items report
MAGrant reported back on budget line items questions that were generated in the September meeting.
·       New line for Liability Insurance-has been provided for information only.
·       Building repair order $507: This charge was to cover outside lights/installation-done by the DPW- a Tim project. He completed the work but we never got the bill.  If it comes out of our budget, we need to see some paper work so we know where our expenditures are going and when.
7:23 2014 Budget
For specific recommendations, see attached Library Budget Preliminary 2014 worksheet.
NBrown asked the librarians to speak to major issues on the proposed budget:
•       Books- increase to $7000. This number reflects a restoration of money to the line item that we removed last year to secure support for a painting warrant article.
•       Building repairs/Maintenance-there are many unknowns: We are uncertain about where the Town and Library Trustees responsibilities for maintenance of grounds, and use of our outdoor spaces.
•       Computer support/maintenance- $2200, ($1000 Alexandria, $1200 AWood for maintenance of the hardware/network).
•       Computer Equipment-increase of $100 to $300-anticipation of potential breakage. Decided to propose $7000 for our book line.
•       Increase Dues and Professional Expenses-$250-Increased obligations associated with Kristin Readel’s new statewide appointment
•       Education/Conventions: Increase  by $100 to $300-Kristin-elected president of CHILIS, the Children’s Librarians of New Hampshire.
•       Mileage: increase by $100 to $500. Anticipation of future obligations for Kristin.
•       Add $500 to office equipment-Construction and installation of new sign for front lawn.
•       Part-Time Wages-propose increase of 3%. JBascom brought up the fact that we are losing
        librarian’s time at the library because of required meetings from the Town Office. Maybe we should propose increase in hours in the narrative.
•       Programs/Entertainment-We have changed our focus on program. We have our summer reading program and then we do 1 or 2 programs in collaboration with some other group. +$50
•       Budget is up from $75,433 to $81,391, up 7.89 %.

It was noted that this was the first time that the Librarians had prepared a budget draft for the Trustees and their response was outstanding. NBrown will collaborate with the Librarians to prepare a draft of the budget support document for presentation to the Selectmen, due next Tuesday, October 8, 2013.
He said that we are scheduled to present our budget to Selectmen on Nov. 7 at 6:30.

8:54 Library Security discussion with the Selectmen.
The Selectmen wish to secure the premises and create a safer environment for the town property. BDodge does not want to install a poor quality system. He would like to see a proposal from the Selectmen before it is installed. He wants to make sure it meets our needs and doesn’t violate our patron’s privacy. AWood also expressed concerns about access to the technology and recordings. JBascom wants to have further discussion about these various security items like the panic button and motion sensor. BMarshall would like to see us explore options during the coming year for having patrons log in/out to use computers.

9:14 Emergency Management
NBrown attended a meeting of the Emergency Management Committee last week. The committee is updating the Emergency Management Plan for the Town. There is nothing substantive to report at this time.

9:15 Librarians Corner
Attendance for September is up by about 200 people over last year.

JBascom Made a motion to adjourn.    BDodge seconded.  All in favor, the motion carried.